Mosaics, icons, and other original artworks




New Paintings

“The Uncreated Light is at once accessible to sense perception and yet transcends it.”

St. Gregory Palamas

Mosaics were the most splendid artistic form of Byzantium. The gleaming gold and silver, the varied colors, the brilliance of the tesserae transported viewers to the Heavenly Jerusalem, while the play of light on the tiles made visible the concept of the “uncreated” light. Of course, the ancient Greeks and Romans also used mosaics to decorate their homes; however, Christianity infused the art form with a whole new purpose: to make visible the invisible. The most famous extant mural mosaics in the world are probably the ones in the San Vitale basilic in Ravenna, Italy.

Icons are “portraits” of Jesus Christ, His Mother, or holy persons in the light of Paradise, “as they [truly] are” (cf. 1 John 3:2). Since icons partake of the nature of their prototypes, they are venerated by Orthodox Christians. In artistic terms, since icons aim to transport viewers to otherwordly realms, they have no use for the techniques of realistic painting such as three-dimensional modeling and perspective. Since they mean to convey eternal truth, icons feature static and stately images. The faces of the subjects, which are painted with particular love and care, become countenances: not simply resembling what the prototype looked like, but reflecting who he or she IS. Many artistically realized and truly inspired icons possess spiritual presence and power, which are felt by all those who venerate them.

The purpose of this website is to share with the world a deeply felt, personal vision of beauty and truth.

The works can also be purchased.